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Chiedi al Medico: Chronic Viral Infection: Health Issues in Foot and Eye

Domanda di Saif Khan

Dear Sir, About 10 years ago I developed a type of acne at bottom of my left foot exactly at central mound, and left side of forefront. I had excessive eye tears in left eye, pain in left ear as well. I visited family doctor and specialist in Italy, they said it was a viral infection and took out a bottle of spray and burnt the acnes at three different occasions but all the way problem persists. I feel burning in my foot where the acne has now stabilized permanently. The doctors gave me Acyclovir ointment but no cure. My left eye continues to tear. In Italy the eye specialist was saying it was due to dry eyes, the other said that the drainage canal was blocked and they operated me and inserted a plastic tube to facilitate the drainage of eye waters but so far all in vain. sometime I have more watery eye and sometimes less. Now I started to apply bentovate N ointment on eyelid and it works well and stops temporarily the tears. I developed over the time pain in my left side of brain as well. My cholesterol and triglycerides is always high beyond acceptable limits. I am worried that this infection has infected my liver as well which is not digesting the fats. I eat rarely fats, fried food, cheese etc. I am non smoker and alcohol in take is limited to 0.4 liter. per day since I am in Ethiopia otherwise is far less. Now a days I am working in Ethiopia and as a precaution I take one tablet of 600mg of Praziquantel to kill the worms each four months. This infection is causing me health problems and I start to think that the roots of all my problems is the bacteria infection and this so-called viral infection. I'll be grateful to have your authentic views on my doubts. I am 59 years old, male and of Pakistan origin. I think I got this gift while I was in visit to Lahore, Pakistan. Kindly do not publish online. Thank you and kind regards, Khan


It is very difficult to give you an interpetration of this but is possible
thetin the lacrimal canal is an infection, and a cultural examination of the
secretion can give us guidance on antibiotic therapy to be done. It 'still hard
to understand a possible relationship between the symptoms in the eyes and at
the foot . Perhaps it is a herpes. In fact, in some cases the herps, not only
as a chronic infection, but even in the absence of injury the pain persists for
a long time. Anyway, I'm sorry because I do not think I can be of help to her
at this distance and without seeing the lesion and cultural examinations. Yours


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